You Don't Need Wings to Fly
But it doesn't hurt to keep them
CLOSE BY susan wymola
susan wymola original
This ain't no ordinary Hoe. It's a Junk Angel on what's left of a garden hoe.
Hang it in your Herb Garden or anywhere.
Buy it for 45.00 plus shipping
Let this 'junk angel' protect your garden
'Garden Angel'
susan wymola original
This Old Rusty Shovel is adorned with hand painted Wings. This is an original design by me, Susan Downey Wymola.
The wood handle is broken off at an angle that would make it easy to poke into the soil in your garden.
Buy this Garden Angel shovel
just click here to go to the listing
47.00 plus shipping.
'Iridescently Angel Wings'
vintage cabinet doors
susan wymola originals
Purchase this unique pair of Angel Wings
just click here for the listing.
125.00 plus shipping cost.
Let Your Wings Carry the Load
susan wymola
This pair of vintage cabinet doors was waiting for the right idea and design to come along. I usually paint chicken wings but these wings are more spiritual and eclectic.
This is an original design by me,
Susan Downey Wymola.
I love to apply a textured background to my surfaces. I antiqued the piece with my own recipe for antiquing and this one is a golden asphalt glaze. Then I used an indigo glaze
over the wings and embellished the raised part of the wings with iridescent pearl.
Angel Wings guard us in their
Elegant Embrace
susan wymola
Hang this pair of Wings over the head
of your bed, or as a window covering
by attaching to the window frame with the existing hinges still in tact.
Or each side of a window would be great too.
'Your Heart Will Give your Life Wings'
'Little Wings'
These small wood signs are about
5 x 7 inches.
They have a wire hanger on back.
These are original designs by me,
Susan Downey Wymola
I developed a recipe and technique
for my own texture paste that has proven to work well for me. I apply the wings
in 3-D. I then paint and antique the design.
I then apply an iridescent pearl paint
to the raised part of the wings.
You are Important
even if your wings are a little crooked
susan wymola
Find them all at
17.00 each plus shipping.
No Matter how you feel today, Put on your Wings and carry on with your day
susan wymola
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